Hospice in Community Facilities

More Caregivers, Less Anxiety
Burke Hospice and Palliative Care provides care wherever a patient calls home. For many, “home” may be a care facility like a nursing home or an assisted living facility. In the facility setting, hospice strives to add to the care provided by the facility team. If you or your loved one lives in a local nursing/assisted living facility, your Burke Hospice team will visit you there, adding care to the services you already receive from the facility staff. Our nurses and professionals are an extra set of eyes, ears, and hands to help ensure patient comfort and quality of life. Additionally, the Burke Hospice and Palliative Care team offers:
A nurse to manage and ease your symptoms
A nurse's aide to assist with bathing and grooming
A social worker or counselor to help with social, emotional, or family issues
A chaplain for spiritual care
A volunteer for companionship and family support
Medical supplies, equipment and medications that are related to the illness
Therapies as needed
24-hour on-call nurses to help prevent late-night ER trips
Communication and updates for important out-of-town family members
Confidential assistance with organizing your affairs
Advance Directives completion (Living Will, DNR, will, etc.)
Ongoing bereavement counseling to caregivers, family and friends
Medicare and Medicaid both cover hospice care. Most private insurance plans also have a hospice benefit. For those without coverage, Burke Hospice and Palliative Care offers a flexible billing policy, and no one is denied care because of inability to pay. For more information, call Burke Hospice and Palliative Care at (828) 879-1601 and ask the operator for the Intake Coordinator. You may also ask your facility's social worker to arrange a consultation with Burke Hospice.