About Us
Caring Connections

Caring Connections Offer Treasured Moments
Burke Hospice seeks ways to find and facilitate caring connections for our patients and their families.
Treasured moments cannot be purchased, borrowed, or bartered for; they are, however, those moments in time that are gained, never forgotten, cherished, and shared from generation to generation. They can arrive intentionally, unintentionally, by surprise, and serendipitously. Moments occur between patient and family, patient and caregiver(s), family and clinicians, and during community events…they can be found just about anywhere and at any time.
The Hospice Philosophy embraces the concept of quality versus quantity when someone is diagnosed with a life-limiting prognosis of six-months or less. Adaptation of quality denotes the idea that a team of experts, in End-of-Life (EOL) care, surround the patient and his/her family unit in effort to put into place those measures that facilitate, propel, and catalyze quality of life as the patient views quality to be. In addition to managing bothersome symptoms, which add to a person’s perception of quality might live an unspoken desire, wish, or visit that has yet to be completed.
The Caring Connections initiative emerged out of the desire to recapture – perhaps – a glean in the eye, a bigger smile, a more meaningful hug for patient and family as they live and experience the EOL Journey. Through a variety of creative venues, Burke Hospice hopes to offer a treasured moment, or moments, that otherwise may not have been realized. We have seen on a multitude of occasions, that one is able to recall, the abounding joy when a patient and/or family member experiences a treasured moment that was brought about through a caring connection facilitated by the Burke Hospice Care Team.
As members of the Burke Hospice Care Team, facilitating those moments become threaded into our everyday lives as we go about the business of caring for others. We experience treasured moments with our patients and their families; however, often times we don’t realize how our care and compassion become the catalyst for those treasured moments, which families will relive and cherish once their loved one has passed.
Care, compassion, dignity and clinical excellence during a time when it is, perhaps, needed most help to form the foundation of the hospice philosophy and our respective practice as the entire Burke Hospice Organization seeks ways to find or facilitate caring connections for our patients and their families.