Our Staff
Our Clinical Caregivers

Gentle Hands, Calming Voices, Real Answers
Our clinical caregivers are there for the whole family, through all the ups and downs a serious illness can bring. Many of our staff members speak of serving families in crisis as a "privilege;" you may also hear Hospice work referred to as "a calling," not just a career choice.
Registered Nurses (RN's)
Often called "angels" by family members, Hospice nurses are special caregivers. Hospice nurses come from all types of backgrounds: long-term care, family practices, hospitals, etc. Many of our nurses had personal experiences with Hospice in their own families, and were inspired to become Hospice professionals themselves.
Depending on the situation, Hospice nurses can play many roles: not just healthcare professional, but counselor, friend, confidante, and cheerleader. On any given visit, the nurse will...
Use special medicines or methods to keep the patient comfortable and free of pain
Assess new problems or changes in the patient's condition
Talk with the patient, family, our Medical Director, and/or the patient's physician about any needed comfort care measures
Discuss any questions or concerns with the patient and family
We encourage all our nurses to become Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurses (CHPN's). This national certification formally recognizes a nurse's competence and knowledge in our work, and his or her dedication to providing the best care possible for all seriously ill patients. It is suggested that nurses complete two years in Hospice work before pursuing the credential.
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA's)
Certified Nursing Assistants are known by many names: CNA's, nurse's aides, home health aides, and more. By any name, a CNA provides the patient with much-needed personal care, like...
Bathing and toileting
Shaving or makeup application
Assistance with meals
Since some patients need their help daily or near-daily, many CNA's become fixtures in the patient's household. They are much-loved by our families and often mentioned by name on our surveys.
Because of the intimate nature of their work, we look for CNA's who are naturally compassionate and empathic, with healthy doses of kindness and humor. As with our nurses, we encourage all our CNA's to pursue Certified Hospice and Palliative Nursing Assistant (CHPNA) certification. CHPNA's must complete 2000 practice hours under the supervision of a Registered Nurse, as well as a recommended two years in Hospice care, before sitting for the certification exam.